Out of season
Aconitum arendsii
How Supplied: First Grade Loose Roots
Out of season
Ajuga Black Scallop
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Ajuga Burgundy Glow
How Supplied: 5cm Module
Out of season
Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Alyssum Saxitile 'Compactum Goldkugel'
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Anemone multifida Major
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Anemone multifida Rubra
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Anemone rivularis Glacier
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Aquilegia flabellata Mini Star
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Aquilegia Winky Double Red-White
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Arabis Little Tresure Deep Rose
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Arabis Little Tresure White
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Arenaria montana
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Armeria Ballerina Red
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Armeria Maritima Pink
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Armeria White
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Asarum europaeum (Wild Ginger)
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Aster Alpinus Dark Beauty (and Blue Wonder)
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Aster Alpinus Dark Beauty 5cm
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Aster Alpinus Goliath
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Aster Alpinus Mix
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Aster Alpinus Mixed 5cm
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Aster Alpinus Pinkie
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Aster Alpinus Pinkie 7cm
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Aster Alpinus White Beauty (and White Wonder)
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Aster Alpinus White Beauty 5cm
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Aster ericoides Snow Flurry
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Aster novi-belgii Blue
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Aster Novi-belgii Mixed
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Aster Novi-Belgii Pink
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Aster novi-belgii Red
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Aster novi-belgii White
How Supplied: First grade loose roots
Out of season
Astrantia Hadspen Blood
How Supplied: First Grade Loose Roots
Out of season
Athyrium niponicum 'Red Beauty'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Aubrieta Blue
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Aubrieta Cascade Blue
How Supplied: 7cm Module Plants
Out of season
Aubrieta Cascade Purple
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Aubrieta Cascade Red
How Supplied: 7cm Module Plants
Out of season
Aubrieta gracilis Regado White
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Aubrieta Red Cascade
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Blechnum spicant
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Calamintha nepeta
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Calamintha nepeta (lesser Catmint)
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Campanula carpatica
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Campanula carpatica alba
How Supplied: 5cm Module Plants
Out of season
Campanula Medium Mixed (Canterbury Bells)
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Campanula portenschlagiana 7cm
How Supplied: 7cm Pot Grown Plants
Out of season
Carex conica 'Snowline'
How Supplied: 9cm Pot Grown Plants
Dwarf Growing (0cm-39cm)
Our Dwarf Growing perennials are great for growing in pots, along walkways, or in flower beds. Ranging in heights from 0cm to 39cm, these are truly low-growing varieties that can act as ground cover for your next display.