The Best Bulbs to Grow En-Masse

The Best Bulbs to Grow En-Masse

Posted by Amber Williams on 10th Nov 2023

Yellow tulips en-masse

Spring is just around the corner, and with it comes carpets of seasonal flowers that catch the eye. The most common you'd see out and about are daffodils, as they are so easy to grow in groups. However, that's not all! 

Here are just some of the best bulbs to grow en-masse in time for an abundant spring display. 


Pink and purple tulips in the border

Tulips are perfect for growing in large groups. Put them in groups, planting 50+ bulbs at once, depending on the space you have. Be sure to space them out equally - just because tulips look great planted together, doesn't mean they don't feel suffocated if they don't get enough airflow. 


Daffodils are a seasonal favourite, and are a go-to for growing a mass spring display. Like tulips, there are hundreds of varieties to choose from, meaning you can create a unique garden with ease. Daffodils can flower for months on end, too, providing colour for an extended period of time. 


Unlike daffodils and tulips, crocus look better when grown in smaller clumps around the garden. However, if you wanted to, you could indeed grow a large display of these tiny blooms. Flowering early on in the season, these plants are perfect for adding colour to the garden when you need it the most. 


A group of dark blue and white muscari

Similar to crocus, muscari are compact flowers that look sensational when grown in micro-clumps in borders or lawns. Also known as Grape Hyacinths, thanks to their tiny bulbous flowers, these gorgeous flowers are great for en-masse displays. 


Snowdrops are another early spring-flowering bulb that is ideal for growing in large groups - anywhere from groups of 25 to 100 bulbs. They can be grown in the border or in grass, depending on the aesthetic you're after. 

Even more bulbs you can grow in groups

And that's not all! Plenty of spring bulbs can be grown in groups for a seasonal display. This includes bulbs like Bluebells, Winter Aconites, Anemones, Irises, and Hyacinths. You can shop our full range of spring bulbs online for less. 
