What to Plant In Winter - Our Recommended Picks

What to Plant In Winter - Our Recommended Picks

Posted by Amber Williams on 29th Nov 2023

Wondering what plants will thrive while winter is in full swing? There are quite a few favourites you can plant for your winter displays, giving you colour and interest while everything else dies back for the season.

From evergreen shrubs to winter blooms, here are our favourite picks to have on your radar for the winter garden.


Many vegetables can be grown outside for winter harvesting, surviving the intense conditions that the season throws at them. Even some tender plants can be planted in winter, but they will certainly survive better when grown in a greenhouse or cold frame, to protect them from the cold.

Salad leaves like Lettuce 'All Year Round' or Spinach Perpetual are easy options to sow in late autumn, giving you a constant supply of leafy greens throughout the winter season. More robust plants like broad beans can also be sown now (October to November).


Flowers, usually, love warmth and sunshine. However, there are a fair few options for you to sow or plant now that'll keep your garden full of life.

To sow now, we recommend flowers like Eryngiums and Sweet Peas, which can be sown into trays ready to be transplanted outside in spring.

You can also continue planting bulbs like tulips and daffodils up to December or even January if you have them left over or forgot to plant them in autumn. Seasonal bedding like pansies withstand cold conditions too, brightening a pot or basket with their cheerful colours.


Lots of bare-rooted plants can be planted out in winter. This is perfect for a busy gardener who doesn't want to sit still over winter, or if you receive a bare root plant over the winter months.

For example, bare-rooted roses can be planted outdoors throughout winter, as long as the ground is workable. Containerised roses can be planted any time of year, as long as it's not too hot or the ground isn't frozen.

Want to shop our range of seasonal plants? Visit our website today to explore our full range for less and in bulk, helping you to grow your garden for less. 
